How to Upgrade to the Windows 10 ADK for Win10 Deployment in SCCM

This is a quick guide to go through the steps of upgrading your Windows ADK installation to the latest version – the Windows 10 ADK. The Windows ADK is a required component for the installation of System Center Configuration Manager but it needs to be upgraded from time to time to support the deployment of newer versions of Windows.

Step 1 – Uninstall any previous version of the Windows ADK you have installed.

You may want to download the new ADK prior to uninstalling what you have in place because the required components are a few GB in size. The uninstall is pretty straightforward and can be done from the Control Panel.


Step 2 – Download and install the Windows 10 ADK

The Windows 10 ADK can be downloaded directly from here:

When going through the setup, SCCM only requires the following components of the ADK to function:


Step 3 – Restart your ConfigMgr server

Really restart it, though. There are some Windows Server components that need to re-register in order for SCCM to properly work with the new ADK.

You’re all done, but there are a couple more things you should check:

  • Your pre-Windows 10 ADK boot images will still work, but they will no longer be serviceable from the SCCM console. To create new boot images in the SCCM console, use the new WinPE image in ADK install directory. The default location for the x64 WinPE WIM file is: \\server\c$\program files (x86)\windows kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\en-us\winpe.wim
  • You can deploy Windows 7 through Windows 10 with this version of WinPE.
  • You need to create a new USMT package (or update the files in the current one) if you’re using one for OS deployments. By default, these files are located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\User State Migration Tool. Please note that the new version of USMT included in the Windows 10 ADK will not restore to Windows 7! Hold onto the old USMT package if you need to do this still.

For reference, you can see more information about the new Windows 10 ADK on this TechNet post.