• SQL Query to Export All SCCM Maintenance Windows



    SQL Query to Export All SCCM Maintenance Windows

    Maintenance windows tend to be illusive in Configuration Manager, especially in large environments with multiple admins. A common request that I receive from my customers is to “retrieve all of maintenance windows.” There isn’t a great report for this or an easy way to do this with PowerShell (yet). The easiest method I’ve found to do…

  • In-Console Updates Stuck Installing in ConfigMgr: How To Fix It



    In-Console Updates Stuck Installing in ConfigMgr: How To Fix It

    Disclosure: do not follow these steps if you do not know what you’re doing. They should only be used as a last resort. Use with caution. I’ve had a couple different SCCM environments get stuck during update installations that have come down through the new Updates and Servicing feature in the current branch builds. Typically, this…

  • WSUS Synchronization Failures in SCCM with HTTP Status 503



    WSUS Synchronization Failures in SCCM with HTTP Status 503

    I ran into a new error today during a WSUS synchronization for SCCM Software Updates. Synchronizations had been running fine for a while, but it would fail after running for an extended amount of time. The error was easy to find in the wsnycmgr.log file in the Configuration Manager logs: Usually when synchronization fails, it…

  • Bulk Assign Licenses in Office 365 Using PowerShell


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    Bulk Assign Licenses in Office 365 Using PowerShell

    If you manage an Office 365 tenant, you are probably familiar with assigning licenses to provision services for users. That process is pretty straightforward for a single user. But how do you do it for a hundred or thousand people in your organization? PowerShell. First, you will need to connect to Office 365 via PowerShell. If you…

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    Archive: New Hotfix: Fix for Slow SCCM Patching and Windows 10 Upgrades on Win7/2008 Clients

    KB3102810 has been published by Microsoft to address two issues that are affecting Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 clients. First issue: Windows Updates run slower than usual when using SCCM for patch management. Second issue: When trying to deploy an in-place Windows 10 upgrade from Windows 7, svchost.exe takes 100% CPU utilization and the upgrade might…